Friday, 8 March 2013

The Plan - sorry it didn't attach on previous post

House Plans

I have attached the current plans of our house!  We have decided to go with Coral Homes and we are building the 'Daydream 32' Design.  It is now 33 squares due to making changes to some room sizes.  We have made lots and lots of variations.  Coral Homes have been fantastic so far and they allow you to make as many changes as you would like.  We are dealing with Haley at the Homeworld South and she has been great!

Selling Our House!

The next step was to put our house on the market and cross fingers that it sold very quickly! We were lucky that Bingara had a special promotion where they give you an extra 120 days to sell your home before you have to settle.
We put our house on the Market with Realty Group and set a date to launch the property on Monday 11th February.  The great news for us was that we sold our house on Saturday 23rd February!  Two weeks on the market is exactly what we needed.  It cooled off yesterday so now we feel that we can really celebrate.  It will be sad to say good bye to our house.  Lots of things have happened in this home and it was our first family home together but it will all be worth it when we are living in our beautiful new home!


Well we are very excited as we have decided to take the plunge and build.  We have been talking about this for a very long time and have been looking at display homes for months and in January 2013 we decided that we were just going to do it!

Our first decision had to be the land.  We decided on Bingara Gorge.  A beautiful new estate at Wilton.  We initially put a holding deposit on Lot 18 on Berrima Road although we had complications with possible other entries on our road to the estate and it had a lots of drains and a big hill in the back corner so we decided to transfer our land to another lot.  The lot we have now chosen and have exchanged on is Lot 172 Beatty Street.  See the photo below of our beautiful flat 1/2acre block of land !